Elect Katie Pecarchik for the Westmoreland County Register of Wills

“Hello, my name is Katie Pecarchik. I have lived in Hempfield Twp. Westmoreland County all of my life. I began working in the Register of Wills Office in 2003, and have dedicated over 20 years of my life serving the people of Westmoreland County.”

“ I am the only Candidate who stepped up to help the shambled Register of Wills Office. As the Acting Register of Wills, I worked hard with the staff, to make the Office run smoothly again!”






Katie Pecarchik has worked as a Deputy Clerk in the Office for over 20 years. She personally processed Adoptions, Estates Proceedings, Guardianship and Minor’s Claims, Inheritance Tax, and Orphan’s Court Petitions, giving her the proven knowledge and experience needed to run the Register of Wills Office.


Katie Pecarchik has worked full time in the office and will continue to be dedicated to anyone who needs the services of the Register of Wills.


The Register of Wills Office affects people’s lives 




Link: Triblive-Westmoreland Register of Wills Office rebounds from year of disarray 

Katie Pecarchik has over 20 years of experience working in the Register of Wills Office!

Link: Triblive-Pecarchik sworn in to lead Register of Wills Office

There is no other Candidate that is more qualified than Katie Pecarchik to run the Register of Wills Office!



I was honored to be sworn in as the Acting Register of Wills! It was a true accomplishment for me, to train and work alongside the staff, to make the Office run smoothly again. I was proud to serve the people of Westmoreland County and beyond! 



As the Acting Register of Wills, I always believed in participating in events that reached out to inform the public about the important Register of Wills services!



I will always support local communities and their events!



Katie Pecarchik’s PRESS RELEASE for the Candidacy for the Westmoreland County Register of Wills



Today I picked up my petitions, and I am ready to run for Register of Wills!



Stop in my Mom’s notary office at 301 Harrisson Avenue in Jeannette form 10a.m.-5p.m. Tues. thru Sat. this week and sign my petition please! We will give you a free ticket to win one of the lucky St. Patrick’s Day basket’s. Thank you and good luck. I am running as a Republican, but everyone is welcome to stop and say hello! If you would like to sign my petition and you can’t make it, please message me your address and I would love to stop by your house. Thank you again for your support everyone!



Thank you Smithton Fire Department for your great tip boards! Always support your local Fire Departments!



For a campaign lunch break, Trauger Fire Department has the best hoagies! Always support your local Fire Departments!



I met so many nice people and sweet pups while out campaigning today! Thank you everyone for your support!



I enjoy meeting the people of Westmoreland County on the campaign trail! Thank you for your support!



We stopped for a cold beverage while door knocking today, and we met so many nice people!



Thank you everyone for signing my petitions and letting me put signs in your yards!



The winners of the Lucky St. Patrick’s Day baskets are Sam C. and Kathy M. I want to say thank you to everyone for signing my petitions! I appreciate each and every one of you!



I filed my petitions today! I want to thank everyone for the tremendous help and support that I received from all of you in getting my petitions signed! I will continue to work hard, and I appreciate each and every one of you!



 I am having a great time seeing old friends and making new friends! If you would like to put a sign in your yard for me, let me know! I would love to stop over and say hello! Thank you again for everyone’s support!



I always support the local fire departments! Thank you for your great tip boards Irwin Fire Department!



I am so thankful for everyone’s help and support! I know that I said this before, but its true! I appreciate each and every one of you!



Experience does matter! Please remember this when you cast your vote! Thank you!